Web Design

Section Rebrand

My Role
Head of Creative
Web Designer

The field of business education requires a revamp as it is both expensive and rigid, failing to cater to a wider demographic beyond the traditional post-university crowd.

This is where Section comes in. In 2019, Professor and entrepreneur Scott Galloway founded Section, offering a leadership curriculum that democratizes elite business education.

To effectively convey our narrative, a groundbreaking educational approach required a brand with a fitting mindset. We collaborated with Design Studio to establish our brand story and visual identity, commencing with a strategic positioning that could effectively communicate our vision.

The educational process involves more than just passively receiving information; it requires active engagement, collaboration, and debate to truly gain knowledge.

This involves questioning everything, developing one's own perspective, and putting theoretical learning into practice.

Focusing on the core attributes of our learners, we established Section's purpose - to ignite and intensify ambition. By positioning itself as the ideal platform for the driven, we encourage students to delve deeper, build upon, and implement the most compelling business ideas. In essence, Section serves as a proving ground for the determined.

At the core of effective learning are conversation and debate.

To embody this spirit of open discussion, we created a layout that prioritizes interactive communication, providing a platform for all voices to be heard.

Authentic depictions of the business landscape are essential to our identity. We utilize familiar reference points such as Post-it notes, highlighters, crossed-out notes, and Tweets to mirror how people learn and think. Real imagery captures everyday moments that are part of doing business. Even our logo incorporates one of the most recognizable symbols in the business world - the paperclip.

By incorporating diverse elements, color schemes, and highlighting the harsh realities of contemporary business, we developed a bold, practical, and engaging identity for Section that distinguishes it from the conventional American learning landscape.