April 11, 2023
4 mins

Brand / Identity Design Process

Here's a general outline of the steps I typically take:

Discovery and Research: The first step is to get to know the client and their business goals. I'll ask questions to learn about their target audience, competitors, unique value proposition, and brand personality. I'll also research the industry and trends to ensure that the branding is relevant and effective.

Strategy and Concept Development: Based on the research, I'll develop a branding strategy that includes messaging, positioning, and visual identity concepts. I'll present these concepts to the client and get feedback to refine the direction.Design Exploration: Once we've established a direction for the brand, I'll start exploring visual concepts. This includes creating mood boards, sketches, and rough designs that capture the essence of the brand. I'll present these initial designs to the client for feedback.

Refinement and Iteration: Based on the feedback, I'll refine the chosen design direction until we have a final concept that captures the essence of the brand and meets the client's goals.

Final Design and Deliverables: Once the design is finalized, I'll create a brand style guide that includes logo variations, typography, color palette, and usage guidelines. I'll also create any additional deliverables that the client needs, such as business cards, social media graphics, or a website design.

Launch and Monitoring: After the branding is launched, I'll monitor its performance and make any necessary adjustments to ensure its success.

That's a general overview of my branding design process. Of course, each project is unique, and I'll adapt my process to fit the specific needs and goals of each client.